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CRISPR Libraries

VectorBuilder offers high-quality premade gRNA lentiviral libraries for CRISPR-based screens. These libraries enable gene knockout as well as gene up- or down-regulation across various scales, from whole-genome to pathway-specific. They serve as powerful and cost-effective tools for conducting CRISPR screens. We can also construct custom CRISPR libraries tailored to your research.

CRISPR lentivirus libraries offered
  • Whole-genome CRISPR knockout libraries
  • Whole-genome CRISPRa libraries
  • Whole-genome CRISPRi libraries
  • Pathway-specific CRISPR knockout libraries

Ordering Information


1. The default deliverable of our CRISPR libraries is ready-to-use lentiviral particles. Click here for detailed lentivirus scale information.

2. To place an order or if you want to customize the library design, request a design support to get a proposal.

Whole-genome CRISPR knockout libraries
Product Name No. of Genes No. of gRNAs Scale Price (USD) Reference
Human Whole-Genome Dual-gRNA LibraryHOT 20,048 91,926 (pairs) Medium $2,999 View
Plus $3,499
Mouse Whole-Genome Dual-gRNA LibraryHOT 20,885 90,344 (pairs) Medium $2,999
Plus $3,499
Human GeCKO V2 Library A 19,050 65,383 Medium $1,999 View
Plus $2,499
Human GeCKO V2 Library B 19,050 58,028 Medium $1,999
Plus $2,499
Human GeCKO V2 Library A + B 19,050 123,411 Medium $2,999
Plus $3,499
Mouse GeCKO V2 Library A 20,611 67,405 Medium $1,999
Plus $2,499
Mouse GeCKO V2 Library B 20,611 62,804 Medium $1,999
Plus $2,499
Mouse GeCKO V2 Library A + B 20,611 130,209 Medium $2,999
Plus $3,499
Human Whole-Genome CROP-seq KO Library 19,050 123,411 Medium $4,099

View Ref 1

View Ref 2

Plus $4,599
Mouse Whole-Genome CROP-seq KO Library 20,611 130,209 Medium $4,099
Plus $4,599
Human Whole-Genome Perturb-seq KO Library 19,050 123,411 Medium $4,999

View Ref 1

View Ref 2

Plus $5,499
Mouse Whole-Genome Perturb-seq KO Library 20,611 130,209 Medium $4,999
Plus $5,499
Whole-genome CRISPRa libraries
Product Name No. of Genes No. of gRNAs Scale Price (USD) Reference
Human CRISPRa (SAM) Library 23,430 70,290 Medium $4,099 View
Plus $4,599
Mouse CRISPRa (SAM) Library 23,439 69,225 Medium $4,099
Plus $4,599
Whole-genome CRISPRi libraries
Product Name No. of Genes No. of gRNAs Scale Price (USD) Reference
Human CRISPRi Library 23,430 70,290 Medium $4,099 View
Plus $4,599
Mouse CRISPRi Library 23,439 69,225 Medium $4,099
Plus $4,599
Pathway-specific CRISPR knockout libraries
Product Name No. of Genes No. of gRNAs Scale Price (USD) Reference
DNA Damage Response Genes MKOv4 Library 460 4,530 Medium $2,399 View
Human Epigenetic Genes KO Library 2,508 20,051 Medium $3,499 View
Human Ubiquitination-Related Genes KO Library 660 11,108 Medium $2,799 View
Human Transcription Factors KO Library 1,639 11,364 Medium $2,799 View
Human Metabolic Genes KO Library 2,981 30,290 Medium $3,499 View
Human Kinase Domain-Focused KO Library 482 3,051 Medium $2,399 View
Human Messenger-RBP KO Library 725 8,260 Medium $2,799 View
Scale and titer for CRISPR lentivirus libraries
Scale Application Titer Volume
Medium Cell culture & in vivo >108 TU/ml 1 ml (10x100 ul)
Plus Cell culture & in vivo >108 TU/ml 5 ml (50x100 ul)

Technical Information

Product highlights

Validation of library quality by NGS

VectorBuilder's libraries undergo rigorous validation through next-generation sequencing (NGS), and consistently demonstrate outstanding performance with high read alignment rate and uniformity. The meticulous validation process ensures that the libraries are not only accurate but also maintain a high degree of consistency across sequences.

Well-established lentiviral system and ready-to-use high-titer lentivirus

Our CRISPR libraries are delivered in VSV-G pseudotyped lentivirus, which is a highly efficient gene delivery system for a wide variety of cells. The lentiviral vector is ideal for in vitro genetic screens since it can introduce gRNAs into cells efficiently, permanently, and uniformly. All pooled CRISPR libraries are provided as ready-to-use lentivirus with high functional titer (>108 TU/ml), which saves you time in virus packaging and titer measurement. The third-generation lentiviral vector system is optimized for improved biosafety given its incompetent self-replication feature.


Flyers User Instructions
What are the advantages of dual-gRNA libraries compared to single-gRNA libraries?

Dual-gRNA libraries are far more powerful than single-gRNA libraries for knockout screens because the introduction of large deletions by these libraries can have much higher efficiencies in generating loss-of-function mutations. Each CRISPR vector in a dual-gRNA library contains a pair of gRNAs targeting the same gene. When introduced into Cas9-expressing cells, each vector can produce two cuts on the same target gene. Attempts by cells to repair the broken ends of the two cut sites would typically lead to a large deletion spanning the two sites. The two cut sites are designed to flank a functionally important region of the target gene such that a deletion spanning them would most likely lead to the loss of gene function.

For CRISPR knockout screens, should I use 1-vector systems or 2-vector systems?

For typical knockout screens, a pooled CRISPR library can be constructed in the format of either 1-vector or 2-vector systems. In 1-vector systems, Cas9 or Cas9 variant is co-expressed with gRNA(s) from the same vector, while in 2-vector systems, Cas9 or Cas9 variant and the gRNA(s) are expressed from two separate vectors. Alternatively, in 2-vector systems, gRNA-expressing vectors can be introduced into cell lines that stably express Cas9. The advantages of using the 1-vector systems are that it avoids co-transfection/transduction of two different vectors into cells and it is not limited to the availability of a Cas9-expressing stable cell line. However, it is less versatile and can be less efficient in cloning and virus packaging than the 2-vector systems.

How is gRNA specificity score calculated?

VectorBuilder follows the algorithm utilized in CRISPR library design (CLD) to calculate specificity scores for gRNAs. Briefly, for a given gRNA intended to target an N(20)NGG sequence in a species, we search for all potential off-target sites in the genome of that species that have ≤3 mismatches with the target sequence. For each potential off-target site identified this way, a single off-target score is calculated. Scores for all the off-target sites are then used in aggregate to calculate the final specificity score of the gRNA, which is between 0 and 100, with higher values indicating greater targeting specificity.

Please note that specificity scores are only a rough guide. Actual targeting efficiency and specificity could depart from what the scores predict. gRNAs with low scores may still work well.

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