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HiExpress™ Sleeping Beauty Transposase IVT mRNA

VectorBuilder’s HiExpressTM Sleeping Beauty Transposase IVT mRNA encodes a sequence optimized transposase, ensuring high activity in mammalian cells. This results in efficient transposition of transposon DNA sequences provided from a supplemental plasmid by a cut-and-paste mechanism. Sleeping Beauty transposon plasmids can be designed in our Vector Design Studio

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Click here to view the amino acid sequence translated from HiExpressTM Sleeping Beauty Transposase mRNA >>

Shipping and storage

Our IVT mRNA products are stored in a 1 mM sodium citrate buffer (pH 6.4) and can be stored at -80°C for up to 12 months. RNA products are shipped on dry ice and freeze-thaw cycles should be avoided.

Experimental Validation

Validation of HiExpressTM Sleeping Beauty Transposase IVT mRNA

Figure 1. Validation of HiExpressTM Sleeping Beauty Transposase IVT mRNA. Sleeping Beauty plasmids, pSB-CMV>EGFP, were transfected into HEK293T cells with or without HiExpressTM Sleeping Beauty Transposase IVT mRNA. The expression of EGFP was observed under microscope (A), and the mean fluorescence intensity was quantified using flow cytometry (B) at 24, 48, and 72 hours post-transfection.

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