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Requesting vector cloning service

You can request vector cloning services from VectorBuilder by selecting any one of the following three options from our homepage. Click Design My Vector for designing your own vectors on our highly intuitive online design platform. On the Choose Vector System page you will see an extensive list of vectors with educational guides to help you select the right vector for your experiment. Select a vector type to enter the Vector Design Studio where you can customize your vector by choosing a promoter, gene of interest and marker with just a few mouse clicks. You can also create advanced features on your vector such as expressing multiple genes as a polycistron, adding epitope tags or introducing mutations. Alternatively, you can Request Design Supports to our scientists by clicking Request Design Support on our homepage and our highly experienced scientists will design any vector for you based on your experimental needs, for free. Additionally you can search our standard vector designs for gene expression and gene knockdown for your gene of interest by clicking on Find Popular Vectors on our homepage. 

When you design a relatively simple vector on VectorBuilder, the price and turnaround time for cloning the vector will be automatically calculated and shown on the Vector Information page, so you can immediately add the vector cloning service to your shopping cart. For complex vectors, the price and turnaround information may not be available automatically, but you can click the Get Price button on the Vector Information page, and we will evaluate your vector and send you price and turnaround information for cloning the vector. If you ask our scientists to design a vector for you, price and turnaround time for the vector cloning service will be provided along with the design. The deliverable for vector cloning service is E. coli stock containing the vector.

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