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Rules for assigning vector names

  • All vector names begin with the letter “p”.
  • Abbreviation for vector backbone is given after the letter “p”. Below are examples of commonly used backbones:
    RP: Regular plasmid
    LV: Lentivirus
    MMLV: MMLV retrovirus
    AV: Adenovirus
    AAV: Adeno-associated virus
    PB: PiggyBac transposon
    Tol2: Tol2 transposon
    ET, BAD or CS: Various bacterial expression vectors
    SC: Saccharomyces cerevisiae
    BV: Baculovirus
  • Abbreviations for biological applications, if applicable, is given in brackets after the vector backbone abbreviation. Below are examples of common biological applications:
    Exp: A vector for expressing a gene of interest
    shRNA: A vector for expressing shRNA for use in knockdown
    gRNA: A vector for expressing gRNA for use in the CRISPR system
    En: A vector for testing enhancer activity
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